The World's Fair Memorabilia Show originally scheduled for Sunday, March 29, 2020 has been postponed due to concerns over the Covid-19 / Coronavirus. We hope to reschedule the show for the fall. We'll announce it by email and on our website in the future. Please stay tuned for more information.
There will be a special display of 1933 World's Fair memorabilia. Collectors and dealers will meet to buy, sell and trade items related to World's Fairs from 1876 to the present. The main focus will be on the 1933 & 1934 Chicago World's Fair. There will also be items from the 1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition and other Chicago related ephemera. There will be some items from other World's Fairs including: 1904 St. Louis, 1939-40 New York, 1962 Seattle, 1964-65 New York, Expo '67, etc. There will be over 20 tables of World's Fair items for sale!
There will be continuous showings of home movies and newsreels on video from the 1933/34 Chicago A Century of Progress. World's Fair collectors and fans of the fair are invited to come celebrate the 1933-34 Century of Progress and relive one of the brightest moments in Chicago's history. (Two of the stars on Chicago's flag commemorate the 1893 and 1933/34 Fairs!)
Please contact us if you would like to be added to our World's Fair mailing list. We will give you the latest updates on the show and we will also notify you of special World's Fair lectures, displays, and events which we become aware of.
You can also purchase Worlds Fair items at my online store:
Please contact Rick Rann with all inquiries: Rick Rann PO Box 877 Oak Park, IL 60303 (708) 442-7907 Send me an email
Also, collectors of tokens, medals, badges and ribbons - please visit AAA Historical Americana